Terrform-Lite :octocat:

A tool build by me by extending TERRAFORM and making it complete dynamic and modular so that user can just setup the environment or stack without starting from scratch.

The various Resources of AWS are defined as modules in a very dynamic way that user just need to use simple configuration in its stack and is ready to go

Supported Modules are:-

  1. VPC
  2. EC2
  3. KEY (AWS Key_Pair )

How To Use it:

1. Creating a VPC

Simply just put this code in main.tf to create your vpc

module "vpc"  { **#anyname**
  source             = "modules/VPC"
  vpc_cidr_block     = "" **# cidr_block for VPC**
  public_cidr_block  = "" **# cidr_block for Subnet (This subnet will be public)
  public_az_region   = "us-east-1a"     **# region in which you want your public subnet
  private_cidr_block = "" **# cidr_block for subnet (This subnet will be private)
  private_az_region  = "us-east-1b"     **# region in which you want your private subnet

Its so simple the backend will configure the neccessary setting and all other things will be taken care

2. Creating an EC# Instance

simply just put this code in main.tf to create your EC#

Public subnet sample
module "Nginx" {
  source    = "modules/EC2"
  count     = 1     **# no of instance you want to launch
  ins_type  = "t2.micro"  **# the type of instance that you want to launch
  ami       = "${lookup(var.ec2_ami_ubuntu,var.region)}" **# lookup for your ubuntu
  subnet_id = "${module.vpc.public_subnet_id}"  **#public subnet id or Remove it to launch on default vpc
  key_name  = "${module.key.key_name}" **#Key pair name
Private subnet sample
module "node-js" {
  source    = "modules/EC2"
  count     = 1
  ins_type  = "t2.micro"
  ami       = "${lookup(var.ec2_ami_ubuntu,var.region)}"
  subnet_id = "${module.vpc.private_subnet_id}"
  key_name  = "${module.key.key_name}"

3. Creating Key Pair for EC# instance

simply just put this code in main.tf to create your key Pair

module "key" {
  source             = "modules/KEY"
  key_name           = "" **#key pair name
  PATH_TO_PUBLIC_KEY = "" **#path in your machine where this is key is pasted